Boom Mat Undercarpet™ (UC™) is a second layer sound deadening and insulation mat that will help you maintain a quality ride experience by preventing unwanted noise from being transferred into the vehicle’s interior. In addition to its sound deadening properties, this two layer acoustic material provides superior insulation keeping vehicles cool in the heat of summer, and warmer in cold temperature climates. UC is made up of a top layer of flexible, one pound per square foot mass loaded barrier material, and a bottom layer of high quality industrial acoustical marine grade foam. These combined materials offer the most ideal way to maintain a “new car” driving experience by eliminating squeaks, rattles, vibration and unwanted engine noise and heat. UC can be added under carpet, on fire walls, or anywhere in the interior of a vehicle where additional sound deadening or insulation is needed. For the ultimate experience in a quiet ride and interior comfort, Boom Mat recommends using UC overBoom Mat vibration damping material. For the quietest ride possible, use Under Carpet as a second layer over Boom Mat Damping Material . Features & Benefits ● 5.6 db(A) reduction... a 25% noise reduction over leading competitors product ● Perfect to use over Boom Mat ● Insulate your interior from heat and cold ● Provides additional sound deadening ● 3/8” thick What's in it for you... ● Maximum noise control ● Enhances stereo performance and sound ● A quiet and comfortable interior ● No mold or mildew issues ● Perfect combination of noise and vibration control