Damp Pro Kit
Damp-Pro is not a mass loader. It is a constraint layer viscoelastic damper that converts the vibration energy in to low level heat. This conversion of energy makes it 300% more efficient than traditional mass loading tar boards and asphalt mats while weighing half as much! Stopping the vibrations on your engine lids is much like stopping a noisy wind chime with your hand. Once the vibrations stop, the noise stops.
First, the foil acts as a radiant barrier, reflecting heat back towards the source. When used on the firewall, this prevents as much heat from making it in to the out side of the engine lids. Less heat means less hazard for your safety . Second, the foil heat shield on Damp-Pro is dissipates heat by increasing the surface content, allowing for thermal dissipation and reduction.
Specification: Adhesive = Viscoelastic butyl rubber - 99.4% solids contentWeight = .65 lbs per sq. foot Foil thickness = 6 mils (6/1000") Total thickness = 70 mils (70/1000") Thermal limit = 500 degrees f.
Our gasoline operated products are NOT compliant with Environmental Protection Agency ( E.P.A. ) or California Air Resources Board (C.A.R.B) for the use on/off Public roads. Upon purchase, the buyer agrees to use products for racing (closed-course competition) only and NOT for on/off public roads.